
Ministry of Culture fails to admit a reporter and camera man to a press conference on 22 January 2024

In a discriminatory move, officials at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage refused to admit a reporter and cameraman from TV Republika to a press conference on January 22 2024. They gave no explanation for this action and the Ministry’s web page fails to mention the incident.

This failure to admit representatives of a TV station to a press conference marks a bad precedent. We thought that  the result of the Polish election on 15 October 2023 marked the moment when government officials would no longer hold press conferences at which the media would not be allowed to ask questions and that no longer would accredited media representatives would be barred from press conferences.

This move gives cause for concern coming as it does when ministries in our new government are organising their press offices and seeking to rebuild an inclusive culture of contacts between the media and the administration in a democratic society

The Board of the Society of Journalists 

Zarząd Towarzystwa Dziennikarskiego  

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